Today’s world and culture are straight crazy. It is almost like we are all in some sort of race with each other to have the newest and BEST things on the market. So not only do we have to keep up with the metaphorical Jones’ family, but the Browns’, the Smiths’, the Johnsons’, ETC! My…
Category: Uncategorized
Safety skills
When should you start teaching your children safety skills? The answer is: NOW! I hope you have find this list of safety skills helpful. My intent is not to scare or overwhelm you, even though it sure does scare and overwhelm me at times! These are just some topics that don’t come up in every…
Mary, did you know?
I have read and heard the story numerous times. We all have at least once in our life. Mary, the mother of Jesus, the mother of God in human form, went through more than most of us will in a lifetime. Mary, did you know? Did you know that the little boy who looked up…
Breaking up is hard to do…
Ok, so maybe Neil Sedaka is a little extreme, but when a friendship is on the verge, it can be heartbreaking! (Sidenote, it is so interesting to me how different the dynamics between male and female friendships are. Dudes are totally chill and can maintain friendships without trying. Women on the other hand…well. This post…
Holdin’ Holdyn
We celebrated my sweet little girl’s birthday on Saturday. She will officially be two years old on April 12th. How is it that my 8 pounds, 6 ounce bright-eyed baby girl is already about to be two years old? I will write more about her next week, but here is a little ditty I sing to…
Secure your furniture
I read random blogs a lot, especially ones mentioned or promoted by friends on Facebook. One in particular last year caught my attention. That is an understatement; it broke my heart and I still cannot shake what I read. It was written by a mother of three children who slept in one weekend morning and awoke…
Washington DC is full of politics. My oh my! Want to know what else is full of political people? Church. What I mean by that is the church, like all large gatherings of people, is full of politics and difficult people. I have found that some of the rudest and most judgmental people around are…
Little hearts
As a parent we have all had those moments where sometimes we just want to scream. As a mother with two toddlers in the home, I so get it! However, I know that words and moments like that can never be replayed, can never be bought back and changed. I think I first understand this…
I’m a mom, too.
“I’ve been there. I’m a mom. It gets better. You’re not alone.” I think that may be the greatest things we as mothers can say to our fellow moms out there. I know there have been so many times where I have been overwhelmed, embarrassed, exhausted, drained, angry, heartbroken, stressed, etc. Even in the times…
Like jazz
“There is something beautiful about a billion stars held steady by a God who knows what He is doing. They hang there, the stars, like notes on a page of music, free-form verse, silent mysteries swirling in the blue like jazz. And as I lay there, it occurred to me that God is up there…